Informative Introduction of the 32 levels Quantum LIGHT Journey!
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Quantum LIGHT


“The union of the light energies, creates the powerful vibrational therapy in the core of our soul, bringing to the surface our personal truth, acceptance.”


“The Rays of the Sun and the life messages from the LIGHT for the creation of a new clear illuminated self.”


“Healing the Soul, with our natural personal flow.”


“The fifth element, Ether, fills the gaps of Existence, of Life, the gap between Earth and Heaven, the gap between the Stars, the gap between Universe, the gap between Soul and Body”


“Sun Reiki is the union with the Light, with the first light energy source.
The healing of the Sun. SUNLIGHT, Consciously with the Subconscious. The Awakening.”


“The light melody of the universe composes my soul, I am the creator of my personal composition, psycho-synthesis.”


“The energy has its own expression sensation, which is neutral, it can be simply a feeling or a symbol or colors or sounds, which in our own perception, means something important, in terms of the awakening of our pineal gland.”

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“The goal of Quantum Hypnosis is the perception of sensations ie we work with the fullness of our I AM at the levels of deep meditation so that the body along with the MIND and spirit take part (union of 3).”

Dolphins 9D

“The Blueprint of Dolphins 9D is the engineering of Inner Child & Joy, Self-Awareness!”

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Energy Cleansing

“Important part of Counseling Therapy on 25 levels of healing Journey. Some levels are DNA, Brain, Reflections, Body, Cells, Aura, Neurological, Detox, Addictions, Old Patterns, Meridians!”

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Sun light is the motivation

Quantum LIGHT is the birth through the sun energy strings

The cells of the Sun, is the first activation to enter the quantum shifting energy, because without photons (light orbs) there is no quantum!

Quantum is created from the union of dots (light orbs, the photons). The first results through our senses are the waves of quantum field, we can named them vibrations. The waves is the main feature of the quantum field. A group from waves (vibrations) it gives us one final result, the frequency. The frequency can be emotion, situation, sound, symbol, a book, art and so many other things.

There is elements that helps us to union all of this to work with us and for us for each purpose we need at the present time of now. There is 3 keys to activate the quantum field, the first is the sun, the second is believe and the third is to accept.