Author/Founder of Quantum LIGHT.

Niki Papageorgiou


Writing was my ticket out from non-existing childhood, deleting this way, all the negative prints on my soul, Quantum LIGHT is a method from the center of the sun core receiving the codes from Helios, creating the books & courses to heal the my I AM, so i am sharing this with all of you! Thank you!


What we feel or believe, is a way of existence in this dimension, directly through the wisdom of the ancients navigators of the Consciousness, Aristotelis, Platon, Ipatia, Pythagoras etc, Quantum LIGHT is a key-part of this & delivers the personal liberation on levels of consciousness!


Quantum LIGHT is offering through the courses official Certifications for everyone as Dr. Master Teacher Degree, that means you can create your own school of energy healing official and international recognize as Quantum LIGHT Teacher/Healer! The major shifting energy of the Quantum field!

Connecting with the SUN

I was writing story’s since i was a kid, it was for me a way out of the abusive childhood years. Past is done, i can not undone it, but as i do create my future, with all the beautiful things i love, somehow i do heal my pasts also, through the creation of here now! This is how i feel!

Creating @reikisoulstar in 2019, was for me the first steps on this journey, through the REIKI i felt really how can i start to work the I AM. The symbol that magnetism me was HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN, i really felt all the healing Quantum 5 levels through the shifting energy of this symbol! It was born the Quantum Reiki and then the Sun Reiki that did open the gate of Quantum LIGHT!

Niki Papageorgiou
Author/Founder of Quantum LIGHT
Dr. Metaphysical Science MscD
Dr. Theocentric Psychology PsyThD
Reiki Grand Master Teacher
Master on Graphics & Web-design
Licensed Publisher & Journalist

Latest about Quantum LIGHT Journey!

Quantum LIGHT Journey, is all about how everything flows through this Journey, you can be inform about new projects but also you see the process of absoulutly everything, from how i write the books, the process of Orgonite, Art-healing, Meditation or the Sound Healing through frequencies. How I get there through the love i feel for energy that defines the way of Life here now!

Quantum LIGHT Shop Certified Courses!

  • 150,00 

    Mastering our emotional journey, is properly, one of the most difficult decisions we make for ourselves! Because, that includes, not only us but also the environment we choose to exist in, like work, family, friends or other kind of relationships.

  • 370,00 

    The energy has its own expression sensation, which is neutral, it can be simply a feeling or a symbol or colors or sounds, which in our own perception, means something important, in terms of the awakening of our pineal gland. A strong “electric shock” (since we are electricity), as usual wakes us up or brings us back to “life back”, until we learn what we came to learn or until we create, all that we came to create.

  • 190,00 

    Energy cleansing are 25 levels of powerful keys to any energy healing as well as any energy initiation or personal energy upgrade. They are also an important part of Counseling Therapy. Some levels are DNA, Brain, Reflections, Body, Cells, Aura, Neurological, Detox, Addictions, Old Patterns, Meridians! Healer & Master Teacher Certified Course!